Spooky Coffin Centerpiece
Posted by Natalie E. on Oct 24th 2022
It is officially spooky season! Halloween is just around the corner and it is time to bring on the candy corn, scary movies, and creepy décor! If you like to make your home the most haunted on the block than be sure to make this Halloween centerpiece, all your ghoulish guests will find it delightful.
Step 1: Gather Supplies
- Wooden planter box
- Burlap sack or landscape fabric
- Soil or black decorative sand
- Moss, pebbles, twigs and plant varieties
- Spooky skeletal remains
- Any other creepy crawlies your cold heart desire.
Step 2: Prepare Planter Box
- Lay a well-fitting piece of burlap or landscape fabric into your planter box. Do this carefully to ensure no soil or sand leaks out.
- Pour in soil and/or black decorative sand into planter box until it is 2/3’s full.
- Lay your spooky skeleton on top of your partially filled in planter box.
- Top off your frightening friend with a bit more of your soil/sand and decorate with twigs and plants. The goal is to make our dearly departed look as though they are buried in a shallow grave and may make a quick return to the world of the living.
Bonus steps: Up The Spooky Factor!
- Add some plastic spiders on top of your creation to up the spooky factor.
- Place small red led lights in the eye sockets.
- Make a gravestone out of cardboard.